Ayurveda literally means “science of life”, and it represents the oldest complex medical system about healthy lifestyle principles. The origin of its teachings dates back to the ancient Indian scriptures (Vedas). Those scriptures came into existence due to the inner realisation of illumined Sages (Rishis).
The Ayurvedic principles started to spread to all known corners of the world 2500 years ago where they blended with local traditions and cultural habits of China, Tibet, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, Greece and Rome. This served as a common ground for various new teachings and systems of natural medicine. Therefore, Ayurveda is regarded as ‘the mother of all medical systems.’
Ayurveda looks upon the human being as an indivisible and mutually interconnected complex of body, vital energy, mind and soul. It does not focus on symptoms themselves, but mostly on the causes of psychosomatic imbalance, which precedes every disease. Thus, in accordance with healthy lifestyle principles, Ayurveda tries to restore the natural state of harmony in the human body, which manifests itself as mental and physical health.
“If we understand ourselves better, then we will also understand more about other people and the world around us.” – Ayurvedic proverb
Learn more about the Principles of Ayurveda.